The Erotic life Of WalrussSpektrum 01

The night was young and particularly wild as I walked the hallway confidently with a seductive smile in search for a place to rest my godly shaped bottoms. I bumped my arm into something that resembled a cushion. My instincts kicked in as I felt a reflexsive certain urge of escape from a prisoner held and hidden, inside my pants. I turned simply to perform an apology when our eyes suddenly bonded  with an unknown chemistry. I look down to examine the cushion that bumped my left arm and i heard myself thinking, "wow those looks really awesome". She smiled as a response to my impressed face expression thus leading us to imply our lust on the dancefloor.

After being kicked out of the club for having danced pornographically, we decided to take a cab and move the party into my place to continue our unfinished dancing session. I opened a bottle of a twelve year old whisky and drinked to our pleasure and to fuel the intoxicating chemistry that we were sharing. The night was filled with dancing and erotic touching, mostly touching untill we decided to enter my room to do some slapping and tickeling... Extreme tickeling.

After waking beside a  cushion filled maiden and a splitting headache, I could just picture why there was scratches on my back and my clothes torned apart. i was very pleased about myself so I positioned myself to spoon. i reached down on her private area when I suddenly felt a hard muscelly part between her legs... A sudden moment of revelation came to me and the explanation why there was an opposing bulge between her thighs while we were dancing came as a clarity.

I walked him/her out the door after having a very awkward discussion. T'was a night to remember, although i could not recall so much of the night.... I still can't forget those cushions of his/hers.

Postat av: åsa

ahaha :D Meeen hello Brick :) Så du har äntligen bestämt dig för att kliva in i bloggvärlden. Great! :)

2009-10-10 @ 16:35:39

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